FROM the DESK of MARY ANN MURPHY, PRINCIPAL … We often speak of academic excellence and rigor, but just as important are efforts to inspire generous and compassionate hearts in our children. I witness this happening in our daily life at ICS. During the season of Lent each class studied an area of peace and justice. We used the Columban Mission education materials and lesson plans – which were definitely “heart growing!” In addition each grade took on a service project, from packaging cookies in Zip-loc bags for distribution to the poor at the St. Francis Center to convalescent home visits and recycling projects. The 8th grade studied poverty and prepared presentations to be shared with the various grade levels, and subsequently entered a competition sponsored by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. EVERYONE contributed to Operation Rice Bowl, a campaign of Catholic Relief Services to alleviate global poverty and hunger. Our students collected hundreds of dollars.
A group of upper grade students initiated “Father Ken’s Kids’ Club” to support the ministry of Fr. Ken Deasy, our “unofficial” school chaplain. The profits of each fundraiser will be split between ongoing earthquake relief efforts in Haiti and a local need. It is so humbling when little children are the inspiration for adults to grow in generosity of heart and spirit.
I believe that our newly elected Pope Francis would take great pride in the generous compassion of our children, whom Jesus called “the least of these.” I pray that we continue to promote excellence of heart as well as of mind!