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Spiritual Formation

The Immaculate Conception School community is guided by the principles of Catholic education, which focus on the Gospel message, service, and worship.  We are all believers in the formation of the whole child, including the foundation and development of faith.

As the primary educators, parents initiate their child’s spiritual journey from the beginning.  As catechists, the members of the ICS faculty and staff help to mold, form and strengthen the students’ experience by providing instruction and experience within the Catholic faith.

At the beginning of every day our ASB and faculty lead schoolwide prayer during the Morning Assembly.  Our School Mass takes place every other Friday and on days of obligation. Our classes lead the Mass and the entire school participates in song, filling the beautiful Immaculate Conception Church with the harmonious sounds of our students’ voices.  Furthermore, liturgical celebrations such as the Living Rosary, Stations of the Cross and May Crowning, among others, are brought to life by student presentations and family and community participation. 

Our students are also taught the importance of humility and gratitude, fortified by their experience with participating in Christian-based service projects and charity.  

Students in our 2nd Grade class, as well as any student who has not received their 1st Communion and completes the year of study, receive this important Sacrament in the Spring.

Contact Us

Immaculate Conception School

830 Green Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone (Temporary): 213-723-0062

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."- Matthew 19:14