Financing Your Child’s Education at Immaculate Conception
An education at Immaculate Conception is a strong investment in your child’s future. Ninety percent of our 8th grade graduates go on to attend some of the most prestigious Catholic high schools in Los Angeles and some of our alumni have gone on to attend some of the top schools in the nation, including Notre Dame, Cornell, the University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles.
For information on tuition, fees and family obligations for fundraising and service hours, please refer to our Tuition, Fundraising and Service Schedule here:
ICS Tuition Fundraising Service Schedule 2025-26
Upon enrolling your child at Immaculate Conception, all families must submit the registration and technology fee, along with the registration agreement here:
Registration Agreement 2025-26
The goal at ICS is to ensure Catholic education is available to all who seek it. If you feel you need financial assistance to make this happen, please contact the front office at (213) 723-0062, or contact Principal Ortiz at to make an appointment. Visit our Financial Aid page for more information.