Home > News & Events > ICS 100 Years Feast Day and Day of Service

ICS 100 Years Feast Day and Day of Service

November 15, 2018 by Heather Murphy-Garcia

The week leading up to the Mass our students will be providing services throughout the community to those in need.

We hope you can join us for the culmination on our Feast Day, Saturday, December 8, 2018.

Mass will be held at 12:00pm at Immaculate Conception Church followed by two hours of service.  All are invited to join us in volunteer service to beautify of ICS School and Parish grounds.  The event will include gardening, painting, cleaning and more.  Refreshments will be available.

If you would like to join the hours of service please RSVP to Nadine Vasquez by email nvasquez@ics-la.org or by phone (213) 382-5931.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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