Home > Parents


The cornerstone of Immaculate Conception School’s philosophy is the role that parents play as their children’s primary educators.  The ICS team understands the sacrifices that are made by families to have their children attend and succeed at not just any Catholic school, but ours.  As such, the partnership between parents and Immaculate Conception School is one that is heralded as a crucial part of what makes our community function towards greatness.

One of the key components of this partnership is communication.  Parents join part of the schoolwide ClassDojo community, where they are instantly updated with the daily happenings of their child’s class as well as the school overall.  Weekly bulletins are posted every Monday and parents are encouraged to communicate directly with their child’s teacher through the messaging services provided.  Furthermore, parents are also encouraged to sign up as observers in the Canvas courses for each individual class, to keep themselves informed of their children’s progress.

Please continue to explore this section to find out more information about what parents should know, expect and secure as they enroll their child at ICS.

Contact Us

Immaculate Conception School

830 Green Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone (Temporary): 213-723-0062