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General Information

School-year preparation includes direction and instruction for parents to be fully aware of necessary steps for the best possible experience and outcomes for their students. ICS encourages parents to anticipate reading assignments, and distributes uniform (Michael’s Uniforms, Inglewood) and supply lists prior to each school year.

For parents with incoming 8th Graders there is substantial collaboration with leadership development, community building and graduation retreat duties.

ICS educates parents on the awareness and mission of the Family Connections Program, the ICS counseling-based project sponsored by Catapult Learning, supporting students with counseling services to improve their academic and private lives.

ICS provides a detailed Parents’ Handbook in both English and Spanish.

Helpful Links

Protecting God’s Children / VIRTUS Training

ICS takes the safety of your children seriously.  All clergy, paid parish/school personnel and volunteers, including parents, who work regularly in a supervisory role with children or youth must be fingerprinted and attend VIRTUS training.  Below are some helpful links.  If you have any questions, please give us a call.

Michael’s Uniforms:  Students are required to wear the school uniform, which must be purchased from Michael’s Uniforms in Inglewood.  You may access Michael’s Uniforms’ website here. You can contact them at (310) 672-2170.

Contact Us

Immaculate Conception School

830 Green Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone (Temporary): 213-723-0062