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At Immaculate Conception, it is not unusual for visitors to walk through the halls and hear the voices of students creating beautiful harmonies in reverence to Mother Mary or in preparation for a showcase.  Thanks to the partnership between ICS and the Schola Cantorum, headed by Choirmaster Vicente Bastidas and Fr. Ted Ley, students at Immaculate Conception learn liturgical music in order to sing better, read better, and pray better.  Continue reading to find out more about the music classes and enrichment opportunities we offer.

Our Music teacher, “Mr. V” teaches our TK-8th Grade classes twice a week.  Through these classes, students learn the sacred nature of liturgical music, how to read musical notes and how to use one’s voice to praise God.  During school Masses, the schoolwide choir of ICS fills the Immaculate Conception church with the vibrant and resonant harmonies of sacred compositions, interpreted by the student body.  Furthermore, instruction in guitar and violin is offered to some of our older students.

Contact Us

Immaculate Conception School

830 Green Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone (Temporary): 213-723-0062