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Gifts of Investment

The neighborhood surrounding ICS in downtown Los Angeles is one of the poorest in Southern California. While the vast majority of children who attend ICS live in poverty, Immaculate Conception School advances over 90 percent of our students to private secondary schools, and over 90 percent of our graduates find their way to attendance at a university or college. (To put this in perspective the average college attendance in the USA is closer to 40 percent.) The opportunities for, and pathway to, a brighter future begins here for the children we serve. Pre-School through Middle School years at ICS provide a vital, quality education founded in the teachings of God’s love.

For more information please contact Mrs.Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 723-0062, or email at blopez@ics.la.org

There are many ways you can help be a part of our mission and help invest in the lives of the children we serve:

1) Give a Donation

ICS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  The majority of our families cannot afford the tuition necessary to run our school.  However, of mission is not only to educate, it is to serve so we welcome them in with the Love of Jesus.  Your donation helps make this possible and provides them with a quality education and new opportunities in life.  You may give a gift online or by mail, to Immaculate Conception School, 830 Green Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90017.

2) Give the Gift of a Donation to the Person Who Has Everything

Do you have that person in your life who doesn’t really need anything, but you want to give them something that says you care?  When you make a donation to ICS select the option to make it in honor, or memory, of someone special.  When you fill in the recipients address, they will receive a letter from us stating that you made a Christmas donation in their honor and/or memory of their loved one.  You may give a gift online or by mail, to Immaculate Conception School, 830 Green Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90017.

3) Join the Empowering Success Circle

As a charitable non-profit, each year we work to find the funding to serve our children.  When you join the Empowering Success Circle, you adopt a specific child or children in need for five years, helping to provide full or partial funding.  You get to watch their progress. They get to know that a stranger with faith and love, saw potential in their worth and invested in their life.  For more information visit our Sponsor a Student page, or contact Mrs.Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 723-0062, or email at blopez@ics.la.org.

4) Adopt Part of the School in Honor of Someone Special

Next year, ICS will be celebrating its 100th birthday!  While we aren’t doing a Capital Campaign, our school can use a loving touch.  Through making a generous donation toward facilities needs, various rooms and areas of the building are available for naming opportunities.  For example, name the library in honor of your mother, or a basketball hoop in honor of your brother.  For more information contact Mrs.Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 723-0062, or email at blopez@ics.la.org.

5) Host a Third Party Event

There are lots of fun and creative ways to help support our mission. Just a few ideas are: Create a Pass It Forward party at your work and request small donations for ICS; At Your business have dress down Fridays and ask for $1 donations in honor of ICS; Invite your friends over for a fun gathering at your home and ask for a small donation for ICS; Put together a 5k race with proceeds going toward ICS, etc.  For more information contact Mrs.Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 723-0062, or email at blopez@ics.la.org.

Support Immaculate Conception School

Donations can be submitted in two convenient ways: by check or by using our online website form through PayPal (you may also pay with a credit card for one-time donations).

This is a free service. We will provide you with the necessary tax documents upon request.

Send a Check

You can also mail a check to:

Immaculate Conception School
830 Green Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017

(On your check please indicate where you would wish to apply your gift)

Immaculate Conception School is a 501(c)(3) so your gift is tax deductible in the manner and to the extent provided by law.