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Volunteer at Immaculate Conception

The majority of our families cannot afford the tuition necessary.  However, ICS parents collectively provide hundreds of service hours each year, adding to the community and team-spirit priorities of the school.  Dozens of after-school, holiday, field trips and special event projects are on the calendar to enhance the success and joy of the ICS school year, and meet the larger goals of developing the whole child. There are many ways you can be a part of this incredible journey!

For more information please contact Mrs.Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 723-0062, or email at blopez@ics.la.org.

There are many ways you can help be a part of our mission and help guide the children we serve on their pathways to a brighter future:

1) Volunteer

Giving of your self is one of the most generous gifts you can give and receive! Whether tutoring, helping with events, beautifying the grounds, and more, we all have a talent to impart.  Here are just some ideas.  For more information please contact Mrs.Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 723-0062, or email at blopez@ics.la.org.

  • Museum Field Trips
  • Big Sunday Event Support
  • Catholic Big Brothers/Big Sisters Mentors
  • Helping with Events Hosted by our Parent Planning Committee
  • Host a Parent Workshop Sharing Your Specialty (Health, Nutrition, Internet Safety, Finance, etc.)
  • After School Tutoring

ICS takes the safety of your children seriously.  All clergy, paid parish/school personnel and volunteers, including parents, who work regularly in a supervisory role with children or youth must be fingerprinted and attend VIRTUS training.  Below are some helpful links.  If you have any questions, please give us a call.

2) Take a Tour of ICS School

This interactive and inspiring tour of our school gives you the opportunity to witness first hand the difference being made in the lives of the children we serve.  Through learning more about our mission, services and outcomes, you will be better informed and can speak with confidence about our Catholic school.  For more information please contact Mrs.Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 382-5931, or email at blopez@ics.la.org.

3) Share the Tour with Others

Bring your family, friends and colleagues to be inspired.  You will experience the hope and community of ICS.  The tour takes less than one hour- come on your lunch break!

4) Share Your Story with Our Students

The vast majority of our students live in poverty, yet over 90 percent of them go on to attend college.  Come share your story of your career and how your pathway led to your current life.  This helps to inspire our students and gives them more ideas of how they want to impact the world as an adult.  For more information please contact Mrs. Betsy Lopez, Front Office, by phone at (213) 723-0062, or email at blopez@ics.la.org.

5) Get Social

Join us on our social networks to get up to date news about our school.  Share stories that inspire you with your family and friends and help us spread the message of our mission.  Visit us at Facebook and Instagram.

6) Pray

The single most powerful thing you can do is pray.  When taking your personal time to thank God and share your love with Him, please consider also including a thank you on behalf of the beautiful little souls that attend ICS and ask Him to please guide them and us on the path of his choosing.  And if it be His will, ask him to help us continue to provide education, love, wisdom and opportunities to the children we serve, in His name, for another 100 years.